President's Message

Readex Compensation Survey

A Message from the president, Letitia Esbenshade-Smith, MS Ed, RCES, RCIS

As November draws to an end I can’t help but ask, “Where has the year gone?” The world has definitely re-opened and things have ramped up at warp speed~! As the year is winding down, we have been working to complete two of our 2022 projects: A Compensation Survey and a new CCI Website.

CCI has retained ReadEx Research to perform a compensation survey. During the week of November 28th you will receive a survey from ReadEx via the email address you have supplied to CCI in your account profile.

The compensation survey is extensive and will take approximately 15 minutes of your time. Before you begin completing the survey, some information to have ready to refer to includes your: hourly compensation rate, annual salary amount, approximate hours of annual on-call time, approximate hours of annual call-back time, and employer benefits offered/paid/shared, etc. Your answers will be kept confidential in accordance with Readex’s Privacy Policy.

At the completion of the survey, and in appreciation for your time, you may be eligible to enter a drawing for a chance to receive one of three $100 Visa gift cards. See Official Drawing Rules on the survey website for full details.

We at CCI believe that the data collected from the compensation survey will provide you with valuable information about the various compensation rates for the work you perform. I thank you in advance for your time in completing this important survey.

The second project is the CCI website design. The goal of the new design is to make it easier for our credential holders, students, employers and educators to get the information they want and need. It also showcases our new CCI Logo which was introduced earlier this year.

We have spent months with our web designers and have worked with several CCI registrants to provide input on the new website design. It has been a labor of love and their help has been invaluable. We anticipate a website launch in the coming weeks. When you visit the site, please provide your feedback to our Director of Communications, Cresta Archuletta. We would really like to hear from you~!

Lastly, we wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I hope you can take some time to rest and recharge with your family and friends. For those who will be working on Thanksgiving, thank you for your dedication and professionalism. I know your patients appreciate your sacrifice.

